2009年6月26日 星期五

About My Love?!

If u love someone. U should tell him. Becoz u never know when u'll lose him.


I love one guy long time age. But I never tell him. Even until the day I left my country (home town). Sometimes I miss him. I know he is a gud man 2 me but I lose him.


I've been here about over 9 month. I met one guy. He's so gud、nice、smart n has a gud kind. His style likes my Dreaming Prince. We met about 7 months ago. I remembered he asked some questions. such as (for example ) 「If u met a gud guy likes me, do u want with him become a couple?!」 n 「What kind of boy u like 」 Then I was just smile. becoz I am really shy.

算一算~~來到這兒也有九個多月了吧!! 我遇見了一個不錯的男孩,他很好、聰明、而且也有顆善良的心,就像是我心中的理想王子,七個多月前我們相遇了!!我依稀記得他曾經問我「如果你在這兒遇見像我這樣的一個男孩,你會想跟他交往成為情侶嗎?!」及「什麼樣類型的男孩是你喜歡的?!」 我常常就只是傻笑,當作聽不懂害羞的的回應他。

When I found that he was really important 2 me in my heart. It's too late then. Becoz  I left Perth. When I start 2 travel I always miss him. I always think if he could be my company, how wonderful it could be?!

當我發現到他在我心中有一定地位時,已經太遲了,因為我已經離開Perth. 隨著我的旅程一一展開時,我總是想念著他。想著.....如果他也跟我一同旅行,那是件多麼幸福又美好的事啊!!

Sometimes u look behind. U will find u miss many things in ur life. Like me.... I always think too much n forget listen 2 my mind. What I want n which is good 4 me. I just like an idiot. It's really bad. So when I want 2 tell him something, I was not there. Even we live in the same country. but different city. It's very difficult 2 touch our heart.


When time gets longer. I found I cant breath. Becoz I love him so much. His image is more and more clear and always in my dream. I know I should tell him my mind. but just cant!! I dont know why. Maybe like my friend told me before. My personality is too hidebound. even I looks so active.

當我離開愈久…我發現我愈來愈不能呼吸!!因為我如此深愛著他。在我的夢境中…他的影像一天比一天清楚,我察覺到我應該讓他知道我的心意的,但就是無法~~我也不知道為什麼,明明是件簡單的事,或許就像我朋友之前告訴我的~ 我的個性使然,雖然我看來是如此的活潑外向。

But I know one day I will tell him. 「I love U」 Even long time after, but one day I will tell him my mind. Becoz he is my love n he is my Dreaming Prince. I know I lost the chance but.... When I back 2 Perth I will tell him. 

但是我知道…有一天我將會告訴他,「我愛你!!」縱使很久之後…但是有一天我將讓他知道我的心意,因為他是一個我愛的人…況且誰叫他是我心中的理想王子咧!! 我知道我失去過一次機會,但是…當我回Perth時,我將告訴他…等著瞧哦!!

Love's never late~~ so we all should take our chance.


4 則留言:

  1. 你總是容易愛上

  2. 是啊~~我總是錯失這樣的機會

  3. 告訴他告訴他
