2009年6月10日 星期三

Adelaide City

Today we went 2 the bicycle SA 4 free bike. Then we round the city. Like the central market where is many china's shops n restaurant. Then we went 2 the Lake Torrens on the way past many gud views. When we rode bike past many gud places. we always stopped n took a picture.

今天我們去了出租腳踏車的地方,是免費的啦!! 然後我們就逛市區一大圈。像中央市場,那兒有許多中國商品及餐廳酒樓。 我們還去托倫滋湖沿著河岸走欣賞美麗的風景。每當我們看到美麗的風景我們就會停下腳步大肆地拍照

I like here, because really different with Perth very much.We went 2 Adelaide Stn、Adelaide Festival Centre、South Australian Museum 、University of Adelaide、Ayers Historic house n Adelaide Botanic Gardens. But we cant stay 2 longer in any places. Becoz we should be return the bkike 2 the bicycle SA. Actuality we didnt have many time could 2 saw famous places . so we just choice where was want 2 go, then we go there.


We rally enjoyed the Festival Centre. we stayed thare about for one an half hour then we just saw some pictures n looked performance timetable.


When we past the University of Adelaide where is building was kept really gud n perfect. There have old college style building. Like I live in the 17th.


Sharon really like here. She told me if she can study in here. Then she will have gud enjoy her study life. I think that here is gud life n gud trip place. If u lkie arts or want 2 know more Aborigine history n culture. U should come in 2 here. U will gain more knowledge.

Sharon 超哈這兒的!!她說她若能在這兒念書肯定是一大享受。我想也是啦~~這兒真的很適合人生活,而且也是一個好的旅行景點!! 如果你喜歡藝術或對原著民文化大有興趣的人…你應該來這兒走走,肯定讓你收獲良多。

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