2009年6月9日 星期二

I will leave Perth 2 Adelaide

Today is my leave Perth first day.I 'm Felt so sad n unhappy. I began 2 cry. I cant stopped it.


I recollect about for over 8 months ago, many memory still abides in my heart. The memory had been awakened. I met many friends in here,so when I mad sure that I leave perth then to trip,actually I really unwell.


Becoz I thought I 'm a backpacker, so sometimes just stay one place shot time. then I dont know why I'm so sad.


Look outside.... plane will flying. My heart really pain. I will far away perth. when the plane pass through the sea of cloud. I didn't see perth any more. but ur image kept in my mind.


I am felt sad. I dont know why.


I missing 178 backpack anythings. about many people ate together n we enjoyed anythings. I missing that I worked in lobster factory. i met gud friends. like Chadowz、 Ngongo、Atine、Kay、Ivy、Sharon*2、Yolanda、Vola、Lene、Little george n other friends(many friends I cant write all) even I worked really hard but I enjoyed with gud friends worked together. Sometimes Chadowz n Ngongo both are came 2 our dormitory. We drank some beer n talked about somethings. so fun n happy.

我也開始想念在龍蝦工廠工作的種種,我在那兒遇見了許許多多的好朋友,像Chadowz、Ngongo、Atine、Kay、Ivy、Sharon*2、Yolanda、Vola、Lene、Little george及許許多多的朋友們,雖然我的工作有時候累的要命及好辛苦,可是我好enjoy當下,因為跟我共事的許多人都很友善。所以有時候Chadowz、Ngongo會到人民公舍來作客,常常我們就聊一些有的沒的…喝點小酒都還蠻好玩又有趣的。

I missing that I  go out with Atine、Kay、Sharon n Lene.We went 2 Wave Rock n enjoy camp. and then I missing that I go 2 UWA staying English time. I met Yumi、Bridget、Dawn、Hiromi、 Jihee、Megumi、Abbas、Ali、Hamzah、Saud n many school mate.

我也開始想念我們五個人一同出去Wave Rock玩的情景,還有在路邊野餐的歡樂氣氛。
而且我也想念在UWA念語文時所認識的同學們,像Yumi、Bridget、Dawn、Hiromi、 Jihee、Megumi、Abbas、Ali、Hamzah、Saud等等還有許許多多的同學。

I know that leave is normal. but I cant to control n grasp my emotion. becoz I really love my friends n enjoy here's life.


I know......I will come bak to here soon. I have many friends waiting 4 me in here. so I should to more early bak 2 here meet my lovely friends.


I tell my self dont cay, but my tears standing in the eyes.


Maybe I leave my heart in here, so I felt saddest. Now I am looking outside all flat ground. there were few inhabitants round the place. 


After 2 or 3 hours I will arrive Adelaide. n meet my friend-Sharon.


So... I think that anythings should be Ok... dont cry April. U just leave Perth about 4 months n will come back.

所以我想接下來應該一切都會平順,不要再哭啦!! 告訴自己只是離開Perth四個月而已,不是太長的光影嘛…況且還是會回來的怕啥咧…這樣一點都不像你哦…偉士牌女孩。 

