2009年5月5日 星期二

My Electives study

For my electives study I selected the 「All about OZ」,becoz I want to know and understand more OZ history ,I think it's gud 4 me.

我的選修課程, 我選擇了「All about OZ」(中文突然翻不出來),因為我想要對澳洲有更深入的認識,所以我想這個課程對於我有幫助的.

My teacher's name is Franz. He was born in Melbourne. and he is really funny.He teaches us a lot of things. I don't know before,For example. Like for goodbye we can say「Ta Ta」, for Thanks we can say 「Cheers」or「Ta」and for this after noon we can say 「arvo」

我老師叫Franz(念起來有點像法國).他是道地的OZ guy, 他是墨爾本人.然而他蠻風趣的(不過常常被我虧就是了~~常常讓他臉紅脖子粗).他教了許多我原先不懂的文化.例如 再見OZ都說「Ta Ta」、謝謝OZ 都說「Cheers 」or「Ta」…最特別的是after noon可以說「arvo」. 

But some words difficult to understand, like 「Take a load off 」this mean is sit down,becoz somebody use  backpack when they will sit should take off the backpack, so the word means 「sit down」,or like 「fair dinkum」 is means 「are telling u the true」but some words are really funny ,like 「yapping」is means 「talking a lot 」Then we learnt some history from long time ago. I know Australia is the sixth largest country in the world,and it has a  lot of unusual animals. like the kangaroo n koala bear.

不過有些字真的超難的,像「take a load off 」它的意思就是坐下,因為有些人背背包要坐下時都會將包包拿下的那個動作take off,所以OZ都這樣稱sit down.「fair dinkum」更難…它的意思竟然是說實話吧~~然而有些字說真的很有趣,像yapping 它的意思就是「說太多…多話的意思」,像我在課堂上常常跟同學聊天就會被說yapping ... 哈哈!!除了有趣的文字之外,我也知道原來澳洲是那麼大的島,是世界第六大…而且這兒我看了好多動物哦!!像袋鼠、無尾熊、還有其他的…

In the class I learnt that Aborigines have been living on the continent for more than 40000 years  ago.so  I can know more about OZ in the class. I really expect that next time I can lean more.


