2009年6月26日 星期五

About My Love?!

If u love someone. U should tell him. Becoz u never know when u'll lose him.


I love one guy long time age. But I never tell him. Even until the day I left my country (home town). Sometimes I miss him. I know he is a gud man 2 me but I lose him.


I've been here about over 9 month. I met one guy. He's so gud、nice、smart n has a gud kind. His style likes my Dreaming Prince. We met about 7 months ago. I remembered he asked some questions. such as (for example ) 「If u met a gud guy likes me, do u want with him become a couple?!」 n 「What kind of boy u like 」 Then I was just smile. becoz I am really shy.

算一算~~來到這兒也有九個多月了吧!! 我遇見了一個不錯的男孩,他很好、聰明、而且也有顆善良的心,就像是我心中的理想王子,七個多月前我們相遇了!!我依稀記得他曾經問我「如果你在這兒遇見像我這樣的一個男孩,你會想跟他交往成為情侶嗎?!」及「什麼樣類型的男孩是你喜歡的?!」 我常常就只是傻笑,當作聽不懂害羞的的回應他。

When I found that he was really important 2 me in my heart. It's too late then. Becoz  I left Perth. When I start 2 travel I always miss him. I always think if he could be my company, how wonderful it could be?!

當我發現到他在我心中有一定地位時,已經太遲了,因為我已經離開Perth. 隨著我的旅程一一展開時,我總是想念著他。想著.....如果他也跟我一同旅行,那是件多麼幸福又美好的事啊!!

Sometimes u look behind. U will find u miss many things in ur life. Like me.... I always think too much n forget listen 2 my mind. What I want n which is good 4 me. I just like an idiot. It's really bad. So when I want 2 tell him something, I was not there. Even we live in the same country. but different city. It's very difficult 2 touch our heart.


When time gets longer. I found I cant breath. Becoz I love him so much. His image is more and more clear and always in my dream. I know I should tell him my mind. but just cant!! I dont know why. Maybe like my friend told me before. My personality is too hidebound. even I looks so active.

當我離開愈久…我發現我愈來愈不能呼吸!!因為我如此深愛著他。在我的夢境中…他的影像一天比一天清楚,我察覺到我應該讓他知道我的心意的,但就是無法~~我也不知道為什麼,明明是件簡單的事,或許就像我朋友之前告訴我的~ 我的個性使然,雖然我看來是如此的活潑外向。

But I know one day I will tell him. 「I love U」 Even long time after, but one day I will tell him my mind. Becoz he is my love n he is my Dreaming Prince. I know I lost the chance but.... When I back 2 Perth I will tell him. 

但是我知道…有一天我將會告訴他,「我愛你!!」縱使很久之後…但是有一天我將讓他知道我的心意,因為他是一個我愛的人…況且誰叫他是我心中的理想王子咧!! 我知道我失去過一次機會,但是…當我回Perth時,我將告訴他…等著瞧哦!!

Love's never late~~ so we all should take our chance.


2009年6月12日 星期五

Adelaide 2 Melbourne

We will go to Melbourne,many people told us there is gud and really exciting city. I never catch long-distance railway before. So we decided catch railway from Adelaide 2 Melbourne. $49 for one person.


When we go to the information center booking the ticket I felt so happy. Because I think that we will stay long time in the railway and we can see a lot of scenery. So exciting!!

當我們去Booking 車票時…我整個就就是超興奮的!!因為我偷偷想…我們將在火車上待超久時間耶!!而且我們沿途也能看到許多美景,光是用想的就好興奮!!

Maybe I’m really shot so I am felt the seat so comfortable. Even Tall Sharon she seat the place like me felt so gud. Then she seat is next to mine. But she always slept in the journey. Like baby girl. Sometimes she open hers mouth when she slept really lovely.


The way we spent for 11 hours. It’s a long time. So we ate our meal in the railway. Then we drank one bottle red wine. Like tippler!!

光是搭這趟火車就花了我們11個小時。真的好長的時間啊!! 所以我們吃喝拉撒睡都在火車上。之後我們還在餐車上喝了一大罐紅酒,就跟酒鬼一樣!!

When we will pass the Spencer St station. We saw we want saw shop – 7-11.when we saw the 7-11 I don’t care about other people eye. I just saywoow~~7-11, saw u long time ago!! but I think that maybe other people think about the girl like country girl… never saw the 7-11. Ha ha …. This right… I am country girl.

當我們快到Spencer St 車站時,我們看到我們想看的…就是7-11啦!!久違的7-11耶!!然後我就不在乎別人的眼光(反正我也不曾在乎過!!哈哈~~)我就大叫--哇!! 7-11,好久不見啦!!不過我心中還是有偷偷在想其他乘客一定在想這個女生肯定是從鄉下來的鄉巴佬,沒錯,我就是鄉巴佬怎樣!!

Woow~~so exciting!! We will meet the big city—Melbourne.

哇~~好開心哦!! 我們期待已久的墨爾本。

2009年6月10日 星期三

Adelaide City

Today we went 2 the bicycle SA 4 free bike. Then we round the city. Like the central market where is many china's shops n restaurant. Then we went 2 the Lake Torrens on the way past many gud views. When we rode bike past many gud places. we always stopped n took a picture.

今天我們去了出租腳踏車的地方,是免費的啦!! 然後我們就逛市區一大圈。像中央市場,那兒有許多中國商品及餐廳酒樓。 我們還去托倫滋湖沿著河岸走欣賞美麗的風景。每當我們看到美麗的風景我們就會停下腳步大肆地拍照

I like here, because really different with Perth very much.We went 2 Adelaide Stn、Adelaide Festival Centre、South Australian Museum 、University of Adelaide、Ayers Historic house n Adelaide Botanic Gardens. But we cant stay 2 longer in any places. Becoz we should be return the bkike 2 the bicycle SA. Actuality we didnt have many time could 2 saw famous places . so we just choice where was want 2 go, then we go there.


We rally enjoyed the Festival Centre. we stayed thare about for one an half hour then we just saw some pictures n looked performance timetable.


When we past the University of Adelaide where is building was kept really gud n perfect. There have old college style building. Like I live in the 17th.


Sharon really like here. She told me if she can study in here. Then she will have gud enjoy her study life. I think that here is gud life n gud trip place. If u lkie arts or want 2 know more Aborigine history n culture. U should come in 2 here. U will gain more knowledge.

Sharon 超哈這兒的!!她說她若能在這兒念書肯定是一大享受。我想也是啦~~這兒真的很適合人生活,而且也是一個好的旅行景點!! 如果你喜歡藝術或對原著民文化大有興趣的人…你應該來這兒走走,肯定讓你收獲良多。

2009年6月9日 星期二

I will leave Perth 2 Adelaide

Today is my leave Perth first day.I 'm Felt so sad n unhappy. I began 2 cry. I cant stopped it.


I recollect about for over 8 months ago, many memory still abides in my heart. The memory had been awakened. I met many friends in here,so when I mad sure that I leave perth then to trip,actually I really unwell.


Becoz I thought I 'm a backpacker, so sometimes just stay one place shot time. then I dont know why I'm so sad.


Look outside.... plane will flying. My heart really pain. I will far away perth. when the plane pass through the sea of cloud. I didn't see perth any more. but ur image kept in my mind.


I am felt sad. I dont know why.


I missing 178 backpack anythings. about many people ate together n we enjoyed anythings. I missing that I worked in lobster factory. i met gud friends. like Chadowz、 Ngongo、Atine、Kay、Ivy、Sharon*2、Yolanda、Vola、Lene、Little george n other friends(many friends I cant write all) even I worked really hard but I enjoyed with gud friends worked together. Sometimes Chadowz n Ngongo both are came 2 our dormitory. We drank some beer n talked about somethings. so fun n happy.

我也開始想念在龍蝦工廠工作的種種,我在那兒遇見了許許多多的好朋友,像Chadowz、Ngongo、Atine、Kay、Ivy、Sharon*2、Yolanda、Vola、Lene、Little george及許許多多的朋友們,雖然我的工作有時候累的要命及好辛苦,可是我好enjoy當下,因為跟我共事的許多人都很友善。所以有時候Chadowz、Ngongo會到人民公舍來作客,常常我們就聊一些有的沒的…喝點小酒都還蠻好玩又有趣的。

I missing that I  go out with Atine、Kay、Sharon n Lene.We went 2 Wave Rock n enjoy camp. and then I missing that I go 2 UWA staying English time. I met Yumi、Bridget、Dawn、Hiromi、 Jihee、Megumi、Abbas、Ali、Hamzah、Saud n many school mate.

我也開始想念我們五個人一同出去Wave Rock玩的情景,還有在路邊野餐的歡樂氣氛。
而且我也想念在UWA念語文時所認識的同學們,像Yumi、Bridget、Dawn、Hiromi、 Jihee、Megumi、Abbas、Ali、Hamzah、Saud等等還有許許多多的同學。

I know that leave is normal. but I cant to control n grasp my emotion. becoz I really love my friends n enjoy here's life.


I know......I will come bak to here soon. I have many friends waiting 4 me in here. so I should to more early bak 2 here meet my lovely friends.


I tell my self dont cay, but my tears standing in the eyes.


Maybe I leave my heart in here, so I felt saddest. Now I am looking outside all flat ground. there were few inhabitants round the place. 


After 2 or 3 hours I will arrive Adelaide. n meet my friend-Sharon.


So... I think that anythings should be Ok... dont cry April. U just leave Perth about 4 months n will come back.

所以我想接下來應該一切都會平順,不要再哭啦!! 告訴自己只是離開Perth四個月而已,不是太長的光影嘛…況且還是會回來的怕啥咧…這樣一點都不像你哦…偉士牌女孩。